Expedition Saba Bank

The research team of expedition Saba Bank 2018

It was a terrific expedition, a great group of people and a fantastic crew on board of the Caribbean Explorer II. Sarah, Brett, and Kirsten the divers from the Explorer accompanied each group on every dive and made sure we all got back on board in one piece.



We visited 12 different locations on the bank and every team carried out their research. Now it’s back to the Netherlands to analyse the collected data and write our reports. At this point there is little that can already be concluded except that the Saba Bank is an amazingly healthy place. On almost every location we observed big groupers and sharks, animals that are mostly absent on most islands in the Caribbean. The reefs look healthy and corals are growing and slowly regaining lost cover. Protection and continued monitoring will help to safeguard the biggest and most diverse Nature Park of the Netherlands.


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Tuesday 20 December 2018


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Saba Bank, a 1000 m high table seamount, as large as the province of Utrecht.
Saba Bank, a 1000 m high table seamount.


Erik Meesters

Wageningen Marine Research

START - NOV 19 Day 1 - END

Marin van Regteren

Bureau Waardenburg

NOV 20 - Day 2

Marin van Regteren

Wageningen Marine Research

NOV 23 - Day 3 


Ayumi Kuramae Izioka

Saba Conservation Foundation

NOV 24 - Day 4

Matthijs van der geest

Wageningen Marine Research

NOV 26 - Day 5

Lisa Becking

Wageningen Marine Research

NOV 29 - Day 6

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